Ch. Pure Lilac Lisette - RETIRED |
Lilac Point Siamese
CFA and CFF registered
DOB: 03/22/2008
A good fortune came upon us when Lisette moved in to live with us. What a beautiful cat! What a wonderful friend!
It took us few years to find this rare gem with this old lineage. Her breeder has been breeding Siamese cats for over a quarter of century preserving and perpetuating that wonderful look and outstanding personalities.
Lisette arrived from Missouri in late July 2008. She was approximately four months old and a professional purrer. She has an outstanding disposition even for Siamese. She is the sweetest and the most affectionate cat we ever owned. Of course she thinks she is a human and she loves to sleep in bed like a human. She divides her sleep between everyone in the family, crawling close as she dozes off with her new best friend, purring, kneading our flesh with her paws as a baby does when nursing from Mommy.No claws allowed!
Frequently she will be under the covers, only to delightfully pop out when she hears another of her love enters, with the look of "What took you so long? I missed you so much!"
Thank you Vaga and Betty Lou for letting us have such a divine girl. |
Ch. Marajade Bathseda Bubbling - RETIRED |
Seal Point Siamese
GCCF and TICA registered
DOB: 04/24/2011
Sadie is our seal point queen. She arrived from England on October 25 and already conquered our hearts. She is exactly that true Old Style Siamese that was brought in Great Britain from Siam in XIX century.
A charmer she determines that you will get to know her, and pronto, and settled right in. Isn't it remarkable that a six month old Siamese would have such an immediate adjustment? We opened the fridge; she climbed in. We opened a can of food; she was on the counter alternating looking at us then looking at the food, being polite enough to wait until she knew it was hers. We went to bed, and she was in the bed next to us, curled up, sleeping next to our shoulders.
Maggie, whose home Sadie was born in, sent some home made pipe cleaner spider toys. When Sadie saw them my goodness did she grow frantic in play, patting the spider with her paw. She squeaked and squealed and grabbed one holding it in her mouth and raced around our home with it. It was obvious that she recognized them as from home. She has found her private space. It is the linen closet and we have a shelf with a blanket Maggie sent with Sadie arranged for our new baby's comfort. In a day we've had all the spiders disappeared. This morning we went to see her and there neatly stacked in her boudoir were all eight spiders. We smiled gratefully because we knew here is becoming her home.
Thank you Maggie for letting us have this beautiful princess.
Sadie is a TICA Champion. |
Dynasty Siam Dara Chan - RETIRED
Blue Point Siamese
ACA and CFF registered
DOB: 02/18/2007
Tussa was born in our cattery. She is a blue point daughter of Mussa and Mursick our first lovely Siamese cats who brought so much joy to us and to many people all around the world. We named her Dara Chan which means Star-Like in Thai language and she is truly a Star. She has the most gentle and affectionate personality you can imagine. She is our little Pygmalion and we are totally in love with her.
Tussa is five years old, but she still kittens with the feather toy, chaising it around like a 12 week old. Yet she has a touch of the Grand Dame. Often she sits atop our upright piano and survey her friends... that is if she is not sidling our ankles or purring on our lap.
Tussa staked her claim on the bedroom in which she was born and specifically made the top shelve of the closet her "pad." She is such a gentle and kind spirit that she didn't want to bother us with these details, so suddenly we did not know where she was. That night, when we were searching for her and she observed us contentedly from her spy post. We laughed when we found her - she found us is more apt - and that night, as every night since, she has slept in our bed, cuddling our chest, listening to our heart beat as we listen to her purring and stroking her soft, luxuriant fur.
Although she certainly talks, she patiently waits for us to come home from work or shopping and then there is warm delight in her eyes as she slides towards us and rubs our ankles if we're standing or happily jumps on our laps if we are sitting.
Often we water our flowers at sunrise, and there is the interested Tussa, watching us from each window of the house, making sure the job is complete. We talk to her at each stop. We mean, she looks so laconic, what are we supposed to do.